Friday, January 11, 2013

Book Review: Has God Spoken?

The book, Has God Spoken? By Hank Hanegraaff has the subtitle, Proof of the Bible’s Divine Inspiration. The purpose of the book is to provide reasons one can trust the Bible to be the Word of God. To do this, Hanegraaff breaks his book in to four parts or MAPS. Part one deals with “Manuscripts C-O-P-I-E-S”, which deals with how the manuscripts were transmitted and some information on textual criticism. Part two deals with the “Archaeologist S-P-A-D-E”, which gives some of the archaeological evidence used to support the Biblical texts. Part three deals with “Prophetic S-T-A-R-S”, which helps the reader understand the fulfillments of Bible prophecy and part four is “Scripture L-I-G-H-T-S”, which deals with Biblical interpretation, because many misunderstandings can be cleared up by proper interpretation.

Hanegraaff really likes acronyms. Each of the parts is broken down with an acronym that addresses a different line of reasoning. I know that this can be helpful for many folks to remember some of the points and the different lines of reasoning that Hanegraaff offers.

When I got the book, I first noticed its size. It was nearly 400 pages, but then I noticed that about 80 of those pages were in the form of chapter notes, bibliography, and indexes by subject and verse. This turns out to be a good thing, not just because it shortened the length of the book, but also because it added a lot to the extension possibilities for topics to be further investigated.

This is especially helpful because the presentation of information is not done at a high level, that is, Hanegraaff does a good job and making this information accessible to the layperson. Most individual points are only about 10 pages each. Again, this is good because he gives a quick overview of each section versus an in-depth look at the topics. Using the valuable resources in the appendix will help extend the learning for those interested in going deeper.

For anyone interested in a good introductory book that will help you understand the uniqueness of the Bible and reasoning for why we can trust the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, this is a good place to look.

(Disclosure: In exchange for an honest review, Booksneeze had provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.

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